Whether it’s in Quentin Tarantino movies — from ‘Pulp Fiction’ and ‘Jackie Brown’ to ‘Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood’ — or in my own travels, I’ve always loved the aesthetic of Los Angeles. Perhaps its combined with or due to my love for my movies, but there’s something captivating, luring about the feeling of the place. It’s a tad ephemeral, with hazy notes of dreams that could become.
Image via Slash Film.
In the fifth episode of our podcast series with Zero Point Fiction, we try to articulate what is so appealing about the L.A. aesthetic, and we do this through a narration of thoughts on ‘Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood’ and ‘Pulp Fiction’ — because, in our estimation, Tarantino captures that LA mood quite perfectly.
Listen iTunes and Spotify, or stream it, and be sure to check out other episodes from Zero Point Fiction.
- JG
Related: Tarantino’s Los Angeles in Six Key Locations (New York Times)